Our Mission

Empowering startups and SMEs by simplifying the complex process of intellectual property (IP) protection through our AI-powered platform.

Born In


Patent Owned




IPs Filed (Patent/Trademark)


Where is Your Next Business Venture?

Leader in Product Innovation

Secure unique products and services to dominate the market.

Revenue Growth from Intangible Assets

Monetize patents and trademarks for steady income streams.

Global Market Expansion

Safeguard intellectual assets for international market penetration.

Aiplux Technology Co., Pte. Ltd.

What We Do

AIPLUX Technology is an innovative legal-tech company specializing in intellectual property (IP) protection. Our AI-powered platform accelerates the patent and trademark application process, enabling startups and SMEs to focus on their business growth while we handle the complexity of IP search, analysis, monitoring and filing. With AIPLUX, securing your innovations is easier, faster, and safer, allowing you to focus on what truly matter: driving your business forward.

AIPLUX uses AI to give IP industry a better User eXperience

We believe that everyone, regardless of their legal expertise, should be able to protect their innovations.

Simplifying IP for Everyone

We’re here to make the complicated part easy for everyone. How? With AI, we break down the tough parts of IP (Intellectual Property) rights process with our platform and make them simple for you to use.

AI Core Technology

Think of AIPLUX as your own IP expert. With AIPLUX, you’re not just using a tool; you’re leveraging a technology that learns, adapts, and guides you through the IP protection process with unmatched precision and simplicity.

DIY, But Not Alone

Our platform is designed with you in mind – intuitive, user-friendly, and straightforward by guiding you step by step, ensuring that you’re informed at every stage of your IP protection journey.

Cross-border IP Protection

We offer intellectual property protection that transcend geographical boundaries, enabling you to safeguard your inventions, trademarks, and creative works in multiple countries from a single platform.

Jurisdiction Served








United States


Awards & Credentials

Protecting IP is Easier, Faster, and Safer with AIPLUX

Search, analyze, monitor and filing IP with unmatched precision and speed. Translates your ideas and brands into comprehensive reports and application drafts in just minutes!